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Greens by the bunch

Displaying 1 to 12 (of 34 Products)
  Item Name Price+
Galax (Approx. 20 Stems)
Galax (Approx. 20 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   Approx. 20 Stems per bunch
 •   10cm Length
 •   Availability: Mostly Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Bear Grass - Green (about 100 pieces)
Bear Grass - Green (about 100 pieces)

► Color: Green
 •   About 100 pieces
 •   45+ cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Lily Grass - Green (10 Stems)
Lily Grass - Green (10 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   10 Stems per bunch
 •   50cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Aspidistra - Green (10 Stems)
Aspidistra - Green (10 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   10 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Fern - Tree (15-20 Stems)
Fern - Tree (15-20 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   15-20 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Leather Leaf Fern (15-20 Stems)
Leather Leaf Fern (15-20 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   15-20 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Equisetum - Horsetails (15-20 Stems)
Equisetum - Horsetails (15-20 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   15-20 Stems per bunch
 •   60cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Ruscus - Israeli (10 Stems)
Ruscus - Israeli (10 Stems)

► Color: Green
•   10 Stems per bunch
•   50cm Length
•   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Huckleberry - Green (6 - 8 Stems)
Huckleberry - Green (6 - 8 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   6 - 8 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Huckleberry - Red (6 - 8 Stems)
Huckleberry - Red (6 - 8 Stems)

► Color: Reddish Green
 •   6 - 8 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Fall

⇒ This only turns red in the fall!

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Commodore Palm (10-15 Stems)
Commodore Palm (10-15 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   10-15 Stems per bunch
 •   50cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Fern - Plumosa (15-25 Stems)
Fern - Plumosa (15-25 Stems)

► Color: Green
 •   15-25 Stems per bunch
 •   40cm Length
 •   Availability: Year Round

Pickup/Local Delivery Only
Displaying 1 to 12 (of 34 Products)